Hello, today I am glad to announce that BARACUS version 0.8.1 has been released. It carries several bugfixes and improvements and introduces a small amount of useful helper functions
It can be included using the coordinates
<dependency> <groupid>org.baracus</groupid> <artifactid>baracus-framework</artifactid> <version>0.8.1</version> <type>apklib</type> </dependency>
You also can download the sourcecode from github
VERSION 0.8.1 Changelog
- added DataUtil for simple Collection -> Map transformations
- added list based delete/save functions withing one transaction
- added Popup macro
- added generic BaseDao.arrify function to to make collections become an array on demand
- added function to create lazy object reference (BaseDao.createLazyReference) by dao and id to application context (was useful to me for dto-to-model copy constructor)
- added function to create lazy collection references (BaseDao.createLazyCollection) by dao, id and remote field
(same like above)
- added support for optimistic locking, useful when multiple android clients are writing
to one android master database.
- created optmistic locking capable entity (via version field)
- created BaseDao.initialFromCursor factory function to make coping with ID and version
a little bit more flexible.
- added NullReference in ORM to avoid NPE handling on nullified References
- added a locator function BaracusApplicationContext.getBeansOfType to find all instances
implementing a certain class.
These bugs were fixed :
- bugfixed query-function (double iteration)
- bugfixed ModelBase field list naming
- bugfixed replaceBean method
- bugfixed loss of timestamp info in BaseDao.save()